Our commitment

Our company innovates and evolves over time by implementing projects and strategies with the aim of growing sustainably and respecting the environment, society and the economy.

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Environmental Respect

We seek to reduce our environmental impact by offering products with a low energy footprint and by encouraging our collaborators towards a policy of sustainability and responsibility.
These values are part of our everyday working practice and influence our choices, such as when we selected materials for the renovation of our new headquarters, opting for sustainable solutions.

In 2022, we created our own corporate forest by planting 6500 trees and becoming a partner of The Greenest. This project allows us to capture 165 tonnes of CO2 per year with the aim of compensating our emissions. Furthermore, thanks to this initiative we have created job opportunities by involving more than 200 farmers.


Respect for the territory

Our company cares about its territory and actively contributes to supporting projects related to culture and sport.

In 2022 we began our collaboration with MASI (Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana) by sponsoring the 2023/24 exhibitions; we believe that art is a great source of inspiration and innovation.

Moreover, we actively follow sport in Ticino, and therefore we sponsor the Lugano Football Club.


Social respect

Within our company, the aim is to maintain a healthy, fair and pleasant working environment. For us, every employee is unique and we try to customize every working relationship.

The elimination of discrimination of any kind is part of our principles and values. We are very attentive to the occurrence of situations of discrimination, which is why we actively supervise, identify and prosecute any behaviour that represents it.

The sector in which Ascensori Falconi operates is an environment known to be predominantly male, but on the contrary, in the company a fair and inclusive environment has been created and is protected. In 2021, the company committed to training and educating its first female technician, who is now part of the maintenance and repair department.

progetto Deep Impact  School of Disruption

Our commitment in the world

The only sustainable model to secure a future for us and the next generations is one that leads the actions of public and private organisations to have a positive impact, embrace a paradigm shift and share a different vision of the future. Human capital is a critical factor in innovation processes and plays a crucial role in the fight against poverty. This is why we support the Deep Impact | School of Disruption project, through which we grant scholarships to people from developing countries, giving them the opportunity to improve their professional and university education and to develop as professionals, practitioners and researchers. 

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